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Athletic Trainer


Karina Brass


Welcome to the Elk River High School Athletic Training/Sports Medicine Services page! Services are provided to ERHS through NovaCare Rehabilitation.

My name is Karina Brass. I have been the Elk River Athletic Trainer since the fall of 2010. I enjoy working with your student athletes and their injuries. I work to diagnose, rehabilitate, and finally return your student athletes to participating in their sports, working collectively as a sports medicine team with the providers they may see in the clinic.

Event Coverage & Room Hours:
Fall coverage: Hours: 2:15-5:00PM
all levels of Football, Varsity Girls & Boys Soccer, JV/Varsity Volleyball
Winter coverage: Hours: 2:15-5:00PM
Varsity/JV Wrestling, Varsity/JV Gymnastics, Varsity/JV Girls Basketball, Varsity/JV Boys Basketball, Varsity/JV Girls Hockey, Varsity/JV Boys Hockey
Spring coverage: Hours: 2:15-3:45PM
Varsity Baseball, all levels for Girls & Boys Lacrosse, Varsity Softball, and Varsity Track

Following any athletic injury, an athlete's overall wellbeing should show improvement through treatment and rehabilitation. It is my goal to provide clear communication with all parties to discuss injuries, treatment options, and return to play progressions. 

**MD notes are required per the MSHSL** Please make sure to get these for any injury or illness. Getting these notes before leaving the clinic will help to not delay the athlete's return, otherwise notes need to be tracked down. 


Dr. Jim Lorge

Since 2013 Elk River High School's Team Physician has been Jim Lorge, orthopedic surgeon with M Health Fairview.  He loves sports and what it teaches the student athlete; the memories they make by participating in sports will last a lifetime. His main goal is to provide education to these athletes – teaching them how to better understand their bodies so those memories aren’t overshadowed by a chronic injury. Often, these young athletes are pushed hard – or push themselves hard. Sometimes, this drive to perform has consequences for their health.

What is an Athletic Trainer?
Athletic training is practiced by athletic trainers (AT), health care professionals who collaborate with other healthcare providers to optimize activity and participation of patients and clients across age and care continuums. Athletic training encompasses the prevention, diagnosis, and intervention of emergency, acute, and chronic medical conditions involving impairment, functional limitations, and protection through tapping, wrapping and exercise prescriptions). Clinical evaluation and diagnosing injuries in emergency and non-emergent situations. 

The athletic training room is located on the lower level of the high school near the girls' phy ed locker room. Just down the stairs from the gymnasium or down the stairs at the end of the hall from the weight room. 

Want to donate?
The athletic training room would appreciate gently used/new medical equipment that would be helpful for athletic injuries. Contact the athletic trainer for information on what is accepted.

Karina Brass, LAT
NovaCare Rehabilitation
Elk River High School
Phone: 763-241-3400 x2255
Fax: 763-241-3421


Proud Provider of Physical
Therapy and Athletic Training Services to the




and you!