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Career Planning Suggestions

Career Planning Suggestions

AS parents, you are an essential resource for your son or daughter as they plan their future career. Below are suggestions to help you assist him or her in the career planning process. 

Get involved in your child's education and encourage his 
or her teachers to integrate career exploration activities in the classroom. 

Take time to TALK and LISTEN to each other. Help your child build a positive self-concept. 

Become aware of his or her interests, abilities and temperament. 

Explore various occupations with your child. 

Expand the range of career possibilities by eliminating gender bias from your child's perceptions. 

Discuss your occupation and the steps you took during your career decision-making and planning process. 

Use valuable career and education resources like MnCareers, ISEEK ( or CareerOneStop (

Assist your child in developing a resume showing work experience, previous activities and volunteer experiences. Practice preparing an electronic portfolio ( 

Start saving now for your child's future needs. Explore the "Paying" section of the Web site:( 

REMEMBER that your child is making his or her own decision. You are one valuable resource on his or her road to a happy and productive career.

**Elk River High School does not endorse these organizations, and we do not endorse the views they express or the products/services they may offer.  These links are provided for the user's convenience**