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Course Registration-2023-2024

Course Registration for 2023-2024 SY

"A Tradition of Excellence: It's Good to Be An Elk" 

 2023-2024 Course Registration Window is now closed.

If you are a current student and missed registering for your 23/24 course requests, please sign up to meet with your ERHS counselor.

New Student Registration

We will be scheduling appointments on Thursday, August 17th and Friday, August 18th (8-11am and 12-2pm) with families that have a completed enrollment.

If these days do not work for your family, please email to schedule a time for the following week (August 21-25).

If you wish to attend ERHS and have not registered, please complete this Online Registration Application to start the process.

 Page updated 12/22/22 tn

ERHS Registration Emails

Course Registration Process

12/21/22 ERHS: Course Registration for 23/24 Closes tomorrow!