Transcript Requests
All transcript requests from Elk River High School are done electronically, we have partnered with Parchment as a transcript service. Parchment is a self contained transcript service; it is secure and open 24/7. Transcripts will be sent directly to the admissions office or to the location of your choice. Current students will receive Official Transcripts at no charge, there will be a small fee for Alumni transcript requests. **Please note that a handling fee will be applied for US mail.
To begin your transcript order click here:
**Transcripts will be processed once per week during the summer months**
Click here for instruction on how to order your transcript
Have a question or problem with your Parchment account? You can contact Parchment Support at 847-716-3005.
For more information regarding Parchement please visit the: Parchment Help Center
Transcript orders are processed daily during the school year and weekly during summer break. If you have any questions please contact the Counseling Office at 763-241-3400 ext. 2140
Some schools will also require an official copy of your test scores from the testing agency. To have test scores sent, it is necessary to contact the appropriate testing center:
ACT Scores - Visit ACT Website or call: 319-337-1270
SAT Scores - Visit SAT Website or call: 866-756-7346
AP Scores - Visit CollegeBoard Website
**Please note there are fees associated with having these test scores sent, they are typically charged per test date and per test sent. **
Students that have taken college level courses during their time at Elk River High School, will need to order their transcript from Pine Technical College, St. Cloud State University and/or University of MN-Twin Cities.
*Please note that a student must have applied to one of these schools and registered for the course with that school in order to receive college credit for that course*
Pine Technical College:
St. Cloud State University:
University of MN-Twin Cities:
Anoka-Ramsey Community College: http://www.
Chippewa Valley Technical College: https://www.cvtc.