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Lunch Information

During Lunch Times at ERHS


  1. All students must report to the cafeteria during their lunch period unless they have a pre-signed pass to a supervised area.
  3. Students are responsible for taking their tray to the dishwashing room and leaving their table clean.
  4. Students are not permitted to cut or push in the lunch line.
  5. Absolutely no throwing of food or other objects will be tolerated.
  6. All students must follow the direction of the lunchroom supervisors.
  7. Students are encouraged to not remove food or drink from the cafeteria.
  8. No one is permitted to go outside during lunch.
  9. Students who fail to observe the above rules will be assigned any combination of the following:
  • Lunchroom clean up;
  • Assigned seating;
  • In-school suspension;
  • Loss of parking privileges;
  • Detention;
  • Loss of lunchroom privileges. Additional days of cleanup will be assigned to those students who fail to report for duty. Refusal to clean up or follow the directions of the supervisors may result in additional school consequences.

ERHS Computerized Lunch Account System:

  1. All students will be assigned a PIN (Personal Identification Number) to be used to deposit money into their account and to be used to purchase food from the lunch program. Currently, enrolled students have received a PIN. New students will be assigned a PIN after they register and enroll.
  2. PIN numbers will follow students throughout their years in ISD728.
  3. Money should be deposited into the student's account in the morning before school starts. Money will be accepted daily for ½ hour before school begins. We encourage you to make payments on a monthly basis using Campus Portal.
  4. Students must have money in their account to purchase food. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO CHARGE. Students and parents can see their account balance in the Campus Portal account. Questions regarding a student’s account, including the printed statements, should be made to the Food Service Department at Elk River High School.
  5. Families/students who have applied for either free or reduced-price meals will be notified by mail. The student’s computer account will be coded to the appropriate lunch status.
  6. Students leaving Elk River High School may request a refund of their account balance or have it transferred to a sibling’s account.
  7. Students may access the district food website for more information on the menu, free and reduced lunch options, and payment possibilities.